Philip K. Dick-isms

Philip K. Dick. The “K” should stand for Kooky. Because he was, at the very least, kooky. I’ve been reading the Exegesis lately and am beginning to wonder if he was also inspired. In this new type of post, I’ll be taking interesting tidbits from the Exegesis and posting them for your pondering pleasure. Enjoy!

“I long ago conceived of each person living in his own world or idios kosmos, so I can conceive without difficulty of the Kingdom of God having come for some genuinely, but still being invisible–not yet manifested to them–to others.

I therefore never need to ask, Why did God go away? Or, When will He return? When will the Kingdom come? I have no reason to believe He ever went away. But we did fall away from perception of (communication with) Him, the great dialog, which must be based, for obvious reasons, on perceptual and cognitive awareness that He is actually present.

So, what I’ve done (supra) is chance the question from, How come I could experience God? to the question, How come other people can’t [experience God -J.]?”

–Philip K. Dick, The Exegesis p. 166

About That One Guy

Jason lives, laughs and loves in the Land of Enchantment. He has been many exciting things in his life, but his title has always been "author." His book, "The Ruined Man," was a finalist in the 2017 NM-AZ Book Awards. Follow him on Facebook at: Twitter: @infinityjones and Instagram @theruinedman and don't forget to check out his blog at

Posted on February 28, 2012, in Author, Philosophy, Religion and Spirituality, Spirituality, writing and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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