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Epistles of Lucius: The Book of Illogical Logic

I, Lucius, sit where I stand at the edge of an endless path before me. Look at what you cannot see. You will notice nothing and will be exalted for it. What is logic if naught but a lack thereof? He Who Is Not A Pronoun laughs at notions of logic. For instance, what is breathing, if not illogical? Why breathe? Obviously, we breathe to sustain life. But why? Why live? Life is a rollercoaster of suffering and joy, the former being stronger and more prevalent than the latter. So we breathe to prolong and sustain personal suffering. Where is the logic in that? We breathe in order to produce speech. What’s the point in speaking? Ha! You poor slobbering fool. There is more miscommunication than communication flowing through this river of shit called “human existence.”

Thus, what good has speech done? I’ll tell you. It’s done a world of good if your goal is to piss people off and start conflict. It’s done fantastically as a means of manipulation with soft spoken words. Wooing innocent young lasses to their bed-graves.

When looked at logically, illogical logic is logical.

Sweetness, beer, liquor, love and Gaia’s gifts are the only purely illogic logic in this vast playground called, “the universe.” But be wary, you must play nice because the bully is the biggest of us all. That fat cat, that lazy bastard that destroys all his wonderful toys—we call him GOD! Or Zeus, or Buddha, or Allah, or Jehova, or Krishna or Goddess. I call him He Who Is Not A Pronoun. He will save you from nothing. Amazing doctrine to espouse, impossible to manifest. Shh! Speak not of noodles on the halfshell. These things are far too deadly for the likes of mortal men. They creep upon you and turn you into unsavory things like midgets or clams or the woman who most resembles your father yet speaks in tongues.

What is she thinking? This odd foreign woman with an annoying accent and a grating voice is a conundrum indeed. Staring, comrades, is all she does…… Trying to bore into your eyes and soul with the tenacity of a gopher on speed. The she shifts her eyes slowly to the next person. Often times she gazes into open space. Looking for things only she can see. Are they the demons in her head? Or pinstriped chickens from outerspace? Then a sly and evil smile cracks her face, it reminds me of the Grinch. See? There she goes again! AHHHH!!! OUT! GET OUT OF MY HEAD, DEMON BITCH!!! Now she shakes her head, eyes never moving from me. Perhaps, one can hope against hope, she talked her mental imps out of raping and killing me in a most disagreeable fashion. One can hope…

Through Oblivion

Dream yourself through the Oblivion.

Let your life reflect the fantasies that possess you.

Breathe an atmosphere of beauty and hope.

Love the fact that you aren’t real.

Love the fact that this is all that matters.

Transcendent Memo

So there you sit—seeing everything and believing in nothing. Are you so brash to think yourself Masterful? Ah, my friend, you are but a student. An apt one, but one who has not been truly tested. The time has come to move on.

Within you are exponential worlds of energy. Increasing themselves into an Eternal Law. There they spin—triangulated by Three and carried off by the Breath of God.

You’ve been there. You’ve seen that gateway into Possibility. You have the key, opened the Way and yet you remain frozen at the threshold of transcendence. What fears paralyze you, intrepid traveler, that you cannot step into the great unknown? Don’t you hear your adventurous heart pounding its longing into your brain? And still you hesitate?

There is nothing to fear. Protection is with you in your travels. You have been armed and prayers invigorate you. And still you hesitate?

Revel in your discomfort. For it is there that amusement begins. In that place control is revealed for the petty illusion it is and the doors of Truth are finally opened. Now step through and be who you are.

Faith, Belief and Creating your World

Faith. Faith in God. What is that? What is the “faith of a mustard seed” that is supposed to move mountains? Make no mistake, people have constructed innumerable notions as to what faith is and how one acquires it. And this is my notion. My truth that I have discovered through intensive spiritual questing and soul searching.

Most notions of faith involve the blind and quasi-fanatical belief in a deity who is dictated into the minds of the people by authoritative figures pushing doctrines of dogmatic servitude as a means to salvation.

This is not faith. Well, it is, but not the faith that Christ was referring to. This type of faith is more of a faith in dogmatic structure as opposed to a faith in God. You see, true faith supercedes all of that crap; it dwells on a level that is unattainable through mundane focus. And church has become a mundane focus. Something to put faith in instead of using it to extract faith from the Holy Spirit of God.

What is true faith then? Where does it come from?

These are admittedly hard questions to explain. However, there is a basic concept to grasp and then explore and finally think on:

Belief dictates reality.

More and more “brains” and “thinkers” in both the scientific and religious communities are finding this to be true. People are constantly (re)creating the world as they believe it to be. Note the word here is believe not hope.

Belief is the key factor in the reconstruction of reality. Without belief change is static and remains unfulfilled. Hope is an important catalyst. It can set things in motion by initiating the reinforcement of belief on an unconscious level. Meaning that hope is like a seed. It plants itself in your unconscious memory and slowly begins to grow. Eventually, it can flower into an actual affirmation of the initial desire. Hope has the opportunity to turn into belief, but it must be acted upon. Belief without action never comes to fruition. Hope is a basic building block of faith. It is faith that is realized, but not yet believed in.

After hope has transformed into belief within your subconscious, the next step is to notice the conscious manifestations. I believe this is what Jung called “synchronicity.” Synchronicity is a lot like coincidence in that it is a meeting of two events in time. However, synchronicity is not random as is coincidence. Synchronicity is an actual unconscious manifestation that is attempting to incite some desired change. Unlike coincidence, instances of synchronicity tend to build upon one another the more you recognize them. These instances must not be ignored for they can act as signposts pointing you in the direction that is necessary for the evolution or restructuring of your reality. It guides your hope into belief. And leads your belief to fruition. Every thought is a creation. Every word a pronouncement of your world. Everything you do manifests around you.